Which weed control management is the most convenient and effective Why?
Herbicides are considered the most effective and time-efficient method of weed control. Some herbicides are formulated so as not to cause harm to the surrounding plants of the weed. Chemical control is an effective way of controlling weeds.
Bare Ground Herbicides (sometimes called soil sterilants) are non-selective weed killers. They kill all vegetation and prevent it from growing back, usually for a period of six months or more. … At higher concentrations they will kill all vegetation and prevent its regrowth.
Imagine never having to weed again. It’s every landowner or property manager’s dream.
Sterilant: Prevents Vegetation up to 1 year. This application is done in early spring or fall. This application is NOT safe around trees or shrubs. Great for Industrial sites, Warehouses, parking lots and gravel areas.
There are a lot of reasons to control weeds. Weeds are unsightly, they can interfere with harvest, they can carry crop pathogens or host damaging insects, and most importantly they rob a crop of its yield potential. Weeds do compete with crops and reduce crop yield and crop quality, but how and when?
What is industrial weed control?