Lawn Services Traditional and Organic spraying
Idaho Spray Service professionals pride themselves on being environmental stewards. This practice entails applying the right product at the right time to control target weeds. This is called integrated pest management (IPM). Determining what types of weeds are present in your lawn is the first step. Weeds fall into one of three categories, controllable, difficult to control, and uncontrollable. Knowing this will help us determine the appropriate product and method of application.
During this time, we fertilize your lawn and start our broadleaf control service. Broadleaf weeds are typically easy to identify because they look different from grasses. The dandelion is an example of a broadleaf weed. The cooler temperatures make it easier to eliminate weeds because hotter temperatures rease the chance of burning your lawn. Determining what types of weeds are present in your lawn is the first step. Weeds fall into one of three categories, controllable, difficult to control, and uncontrollable. Knowing this will help us determine the appropriate product and method of application.
Weed control programs involve both pre-emergent and post-emergent applications to prevent weeds from germinating and to control pervasive weeds throughout the year. Treatments are made at each visit when weeds are present. Contact products are absorbed by both the leaves and the roots of the weed. Rain shortly after an application is beneficial in getting the product to the roots of the plants.
Even the best-tended lawns come under attack from common weeds. Weed seeds float in on the wind, creeping weeds claim more territory, and weeds you thought you pulled quietly continue to grow. How well your lawn copes with the onslaught depends on the weeds involved, the response you choose and your lawn’s overall health. Understanding common lawn weeds and the options available to fight them can help you successfully combat the invasion.
To help simplify weed defense, we’ve charted 10 common lawn weeds, including their characteristics, type and how they spread, and most importantly- how to eliminate them. Weeds, like ornamental garden plants, can be annuals or perennials. Annual weeds, such as crabgrass, complete their entire life cycle in a single growing season, and then die, leaving seeds behind to continue the legacy. Perennial weeds, such as dandelions, come back year after year from their roots, and distribute new seeds to boot. Weeds can also be grass-like,broadleaf or sedge. Choosing the right weed control product requires understanding the weed you want to fight and its stage of growth. Pre-emergent weed controls, sometime called preventers, work to keep weed seeds from germinating and developing. Post-emergent weed controls fight weeds that have already germinated and emerged from the soil.
1. Always mow at the recommended mowing height for your type of lawn grass. This helps promote healthy root growth and increases resistance to pests and disease.
2. Mow based on grass growth, not your calendar. Time your mowing so you remove roughly one-third of the length of the grass blades in a single mowing.
3. Supplement natural rainfall by irrigating your lawn as needed. Proper watering provides an average lawn with the equivalent of about 1 inch of rainfall each week. This allows moisture to penetrate deeply and encourages healthy, deep root growth. Watering only once or twice per week is better than more frequent watering.
4. Keep your lawn well-fed with quality weed & feed or fertilizer-only products.
flower bed weed control
when to apply pre-emergent herbicide to flower beds. Now is a great time to do it as long as you prepare the bed first. You want your beds to look like the picture below if you are planning on using pre-emergent herbicide.Pre-emergent herbicides are a great way to cut down on the amount of many annual and perennial weed seeds in flower beds. Pre-emergent herbicides control a variety of weeds but not all weeds. If your flower beds look like the picture below you need to make sure all of the perennial and annual broad leaf weeds and grass weeds are removed before applying pre-emergent. Because pre-emergent herbicide will not control weeds currently growing in the beds, thus the preparation. Pre-emergent prevents weed seeds from growing and maturing by inhibiting the root system development of the young weed seedling. This kills it before it matures.
weed killer option for maintaining a weed-free flower bed. The weed killer acts as a spot treatment for weeds in flower gardens and other landscape beds, providing fast results, in 12 to 24 hours. … Normally, we have to go back and pull up all the dead weeds after using the RoundUp.
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